life coach & mentor


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I am often asked what exactly is a life coach and how I help my clients. My specialty is working with expat women and women who want to travel solo for the first time. I can help these women in all phases of their experiences – from making the decision to move abroad or travel […]

What is a Life Coach and why do you need one?

September 19, 2021

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Over the past few years, there has been a great deal of research into change and our brain. We now know that adults can change. I know I have changed and become a better version of myself over the past few years. This belief is important because this lays the foundation for all the work […]

Future Focus- Becoming You Version 2.0

September 12, 2021

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One of my new favourite quotes is from Sir Edmund Hillary: “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves“. This quote speaks to me in particular in relation to my running. I do not enjoy running, but it has become something that I am now doing regularly over the past few years. It works […]

Conquering the Mountain to Conquer Ourselves

September 5, 2021

Woman tying her running shoe

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Enjoying your vacation at home when you’re an expat can be somewhat challenging for a number of reasons. It is great to get home and see the family. But there are a number of challenges that can make it somewhat more stressful than relaxing. We know that the travel home can be long and tiring, […]

Enjoying Your Vacation at Home When You’re an Expat

August 29, 2021

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There is an Eleanor Roosevelt quote about remembering to think of life as an adventure and to choose challenge over competence. To me, my greatest adventure is to live life and travel. Where am I going? Where can I go next? I have traveled to over 70 countries and lived as an expat for many […]

Live Life and Travel: Choose Your Own Adventure

August 11, 2021

Women walking solo in a large palace hall

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The short answer to that question is yes, absolutely! The long answer is that travelling solo as a woman is one of the most empowering, exhilarating, liberating gifts you can give yourself and frankly, every woman should do a solo trip at least once, if not several times. How I started I took my first […]

Should Women Travel Solo? Yes!

July 27, 2021

solo woman travelling

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Resilience is an important skill to have when you live and work abroad. We all possess varying degrees of resilience, and it is something that we can develop with practice, much like any other skill. This is important because while ultimately, living abroad is incredibly rewarding and fun, the potential challenges can be overwhelming, if […]

How to Build Resilience

July 11, 2021

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In case you need to hear this today, you are good enough. Trust me. One of the things that I’ve been I’ve been struck by as I went through coach certification, coached women and heard others coached in group sessions and worked with other coaches, is how we all seem to think that we are […]

Stop Thinking “I’m Not Good Enough”

July 4, 2021

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Living abroad, particularly by myself, without a partner or family, has made me grow in so many ways. Although I’ve been an expat now for several years now, it is only the last few years that I consciously started paying attention to how I manage myself and my emotions. Looking back, I wish I had […]

5 skills I needed in order to successfully live abroad

June 27, 2021

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“I’m stuck” is a complaint I often hear from my clients; they are stuck about their jobs, relationships, making decisions, what they want. They are paralysed with indecision and are feeling hopeless that they have no options that will make them happy. It happens to all of us at some point in our lives, and […]

Stop Telling Yourself You’re Stuck

June 20, 2021

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