
If you feel like you're meant for more,
it's because you are. 
I help women get unstuck for good
and create the lives they want. 

I have tools and skills you need to manage your mind and your emotions. This knowledge is not something we are born with and it's not something we are taught in school. But when you are ready to learn them, this toolset and skillset can help feel better immediately. You'll get the clarity and certainty you want and you'll never feel stuck again. 

You'll stop letting fear, overwhelm, doubt and anxiety control you. You will thrive. Learn how to set big goals and go after them. Learn how to manage your mind and your emotions so that you are no longer at their mercy. Decide what is possible and go after it. 

You want more, but maybe you don't know what that is and you don't know where to start. I can help you figure out what you want. You don't need to struggle on your own to figure this out. In coaching with me, you'll receive the support, accountability and guidance you need to finally move forward. 

Get Clarity

Learn the Tools and Skills You Need 

Transform Your Life

Book A consult call

I'm a Master Certified Life Coach and I work with a limited number of 1:1 clients who are serious about creating the life they truly want. No more playing small. You're ready for a bigger, bolder life, and I can help.

Coaching changed my life.
When I think back to the person that I was a few years ago, I don't even recognize her anymore. So much of my life changed. I changed the way I think. I changed the way I show up in my life. I completely changed what I think is possible for me. 

When I discovered life coaching, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I learned that we are not supposed to be happy all of the time. I developed a better relationship with myself.

I learned skills that helped me to manage my mind and emotions so that I could begin to uplevel my life in ways I never imagined. I became calmer. My life was no longer an elusive quest for happiness, but I actively decided what I wanted and went after it.


You have exactly one life in which
to do everything you'll ever do. 
Act accordingly.
                                                   -Colin Wright

“From the food to the itinerary, the entire workshop was unforgettable.”

The Six Week Jumpstart to Building a Better Relationship with Yourself

Have you struggled with self-acceptance, self-love, and self-confidence?
Have you felt stuck, unable to create the life you want because you’ve never truly liked, let alone loved, yourself?
If so, you are not alone, and this program is for you.

Introducing "The Six Week Jumpstart to Building a Better Relationship with Yourself".

This transformative program is designed specifically for women like you, who are ready to embark on the most important relationship of their lives—the one with themselves.

Your Relationship with Yourself is the Foundation for Building Resilience, Taking More Risks, Setting Bigger Goals, and Achieving Your Dreams.
It is the cornerstone of your entire life. It's the foundation upon which everything else is built. 

Over the course of six weeks, you will be guided through a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

Why This Program?
1. Foundational Relationship: Learn to build a foundational relationship with yourself that is rooted in self-acceptance and love.
2. Get Unstuck: Break free from patterns that have held you back and start creating the life you’ve always wanted.
3. Become Your Best Self: Develop the confidence and clarity to become the woman you’ve always aspired to be.

What to Expect
Week 1: Self-Discovery: Uncover who you truly are beneath societal expectations and personal insecurities. What are the beliefs and stories that have been holding you back?
Week 2: Embracing Self-Acceptance: Learn to accept yourself fully, recognizing and valuing your unique qualities.
Week 3: Cultivating Self-Love: Develop practical strategies to foster a deep and lasting love for yourself.
Week 4: Mindset and Managing Emotions: Explore the power of your mindset and learn how to manage your emotions effectively to support your personal growth.
Week 5: Building Confidence: Gain tools and techniques to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Week 6: Create Your Future: Set clear, actionable goals to continue your journey beyond the program and start living the life you desire.

Why It Matters
Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. It sets the tone for everything else in your life. When you truly know, accept, and love yourself, you unlock your potential to create meaningful change and achieve your dreams.

Join Me
Are you ready to transform your relationship with yourself and step into your true power? Sign up today for "The Six Week Jumpstart to Building a Better Relationship with Yourself" and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and empowered life.

Transform Your Life. Become the Woman You Want to Be. Don't Stay Stuck Any Longer. 

Sign up below for a consult call and let's make sure the program is a good fit.
Then start your journey to a better relationship with yourself!

Feel free to contact me with any questions or for more information about the program. 


Tune into This Daring Adventure, a podcast for when you're ready to start your transformation. 

Combining the best of coaching and self-help, with a little travel and reading and all things that help us live our greatest adventure.

Come join me in This Daring Adventure, as we start to create the life we truly want and become our best selves.
With purpose.
For fun. 

New episodes every Thursday!

Subscribe Now

book a consult call AND

  • You rarely do anything for yourself. You're a people pleaser and are constantly putting others first.
  • You've started and stopped and started again. Now you're ready to just give up. 
  • You are regularly beating yourself up and wondering what's wrong with you. 
  • You struggle with self-confidence and feel like an imposter a lot of the time.
  • You worry about what others will think of you and you are constantly doubting yourself and second guessing your decisions.
  • You've been "figuring this out" for a while now and are ready to make serious changes and get the support and accountability you need. 

Private coaching with me requires commitment and dedication. This is your time to get to work and make some serious changes in your life for good.

Each session is confidential and tailored towards what you want and need to help you get unstuck for good.

If you're brave enough to commit and ready to invest in yourself, you will transform your life.
You will feel better, think better and do better.

And that is just the beginning.
You're just getting started. Let's go!

Your life is calling. 
Will you answer?

Does Any of this Sound Familiar?

For many years, I felt stuck in my personal life and struggled to make decisions and I used to internalize a lot of what was said to me, and this made me doubt myself as a person. Looking at things from a different perspective, not overthinking or overanalyzing things that I don't know to be true, and realizing that making assumptions, which were mostly false, only made my day feel heavier and harder. Additionally, the tapping exercise we did together has literally changed my life.


— nour

“Thank you, Trista, for transforming my perspective and unlocking my potential.”



Coaching helped me stop judging myself and start be kinder. I am now
able to establish healthier connections and communicate better with
colleagues, friends, family members and my partner. Most importantly,
I have a stronger bond with myself. 


— Hannah

“Trista helped me
look at my life from
a different perspective.”



 Trista listened to me and understood what I needed. She taught me how to
reframe my perspective
of where I was and where I can go, but
especially how the power of our thoughts
can reframe our entire reality.
I truly recommend coaching with Trista!

— andrea

“Coaching with Trista was truly an enriching experience.”



 Coaching with Trista has been a valuable experience for me. It helped me through one of the biggest periods of change in my life. It was a space for me to explore my feelings, my goals, and my outlook. This process gave me the skills to reframe life circumstances and view things in a different light. I have become more focused on my goals, dreams, and my own version of success. I have a new found positivity and understanding that I am in control. And I got this... 

— shelley

“I have become more focused
on my goals, dreams, and
my own version of success.”



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If you feel that you are meant for more, it's because you are.

Start here.

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